Toon Boom Digital Pro - профессиональное программное обеспечение для создания анимированной графики, в первую очередь будет полезно профессиональным художникам-аниматорам, которым необходима подобная система создания компьютерной анимации. Программа включает векторный движок, управление палитрами, инструменты синхронизации движений губ, создания трехмерного окружения, поддерживает морфинг и инверсивную кинематику. Встроенная библиотека позволит вам хранить циклы анимации, звуки, эффекты, персонажей, фоны, свойства и шаблоны, которые можно затем повторно использовать. Имеются также более пятидесяти встроенных эффектов композинга. Приложение позволяет выводить картинку на экран вне зависимости от разрешения, что делает изображение одинаково четким и в виде потокового видео, и в качестве HD Toon Boom Digital Pro is the only complete paperless animation software. Designed for professionals and freelancers alike Toon Boom Digital Pro offers high productivity with low operating costs. Based on our Emmy award-winning technology, Toon Boom Digital Pro combines superior vector technology for content creation, real-time animation and compositing stages, all set in a multi-plane 3D space environment.
Productivity tools such as palette management, lip-sync, morphing and inverse kinematics enable users to unleash their creativity. Toon Boom Digital Pro comes with kick-start programmes to ensure successful and seamless studio integration, extensive training material and reliable customer support. Toon Boom Digital Pro is the tool of choice for animation projects ranging from the simplest to the most detailed, from digital to complete cut-out styles.
Designed for Paperless Animation
Based on over a decade of animation production expertise, Toon Boom Digital Pro includes all of the most advanced features used by the leading studios worldwide. Perfect Upgrade for Flash Animators
Toon Boom Digital Pro brings users to a new level of creativity and productivity, thanks to true animation tools and field-proven workflows. High Productivity with Low Operating Costs
Compared to current production workflows, Toon Boom Digital Pro significantly reduces the operational costs with its integrated pipeline, leading-edge toolset and paperless production. These savings can be realized whether the production is an independent short or a feature length film project. Supported by Animation Experts
Providing the best support in the industry, Toon Boom Animation personnel delivers customized kick start programmes, professional consulting services and timely support in several languages. The support team are experts in all animation styles and production workflows.